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The Monetization Story of 2024 and Beyond

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很长一段时间以来,我采访过的人都在抱怨 video advertising budget went to social. Now the tide is turning. Social video is projected to rise to $23.4 billion in 2024, and CTV is expected to grow by 12% to $22.预计2024年将达到70亿美元,比整个媒体行业的增长速度快32% IAB’s 2024 Digital Video Ad Spend & Strategy Report. This math puts the 2024 advertising video market at 49.2% for streaming advertising, and 50.75% for social. Oh, so close!

TradeDesk’s May 2024 Sellers and Publishers Report, 在2023年下半年,营销人员向付费出版商(排名前十的是Hulu)支付的CTV广告印象费用增加了78%, Disney+, Max, ESPN, Spotify, Peacock TV, CNN, National Geographic, NBC and Fox—see page 4 of the TradeDesk report). 到2023年,每天花在这些全球媒体公司(包括视频和音频)上的时间将增加到5个多小时. 2023年,CTV的观看时间为115分钟,音乐和播客的观看时间为181分钟. 他们的研究显示,在25 - 44岁的人群中,75%的人在去年增加了电视消费.

The Video Marketplace According to FreeWheel

Another report from FreeWheel, Video Marketplace Report 2H 2023 显示,CTV在美国的收视率同比增长了10%.S. and 24% YoY in Europe. 当我们谈论目标时,下一组数据支持了这一点:61%的美国人.S. ad views are bought on target behavior vs. 32% in Europe. (Or the converse: 39% of ads in the U.S. are bought on demo and 68% in Europe.)

FreeWheel also compares programmatic vs. non-programmatic (see page 16 of the report). In the second half of 2023 in the U.S., 34% of ad views were sold programmatically, while 66% were either direct, reseller, or marketplace platform private. 在欧洲,程序化销售的比例甚至更低,只有22%. Seventy-nine percent of the U.S. programmatic deals were non-guaranteed and 21% guaranteed. 在欧洲,47%是无担保的,53%是有担保的.

A few more stats show that, in the U.S.在美国,广告在直播中更为常见,在欧洲则是视频点播. In the U.S., 59% of ad views are on live. In Europe, 81% of ad views are on VOD.

So, if we’re keeping score, the U.S. has 10% annual growth in CTV viewing. Thirty-four percent of ad buys are programmatic, 61% are bought on targeting, 59% are bought on live programming. Europe has 24% annual CTV viewing growth, with 68% of advertising bought on demo, 22% of ad buys programmatic, and 81% of ad views on VOD.

The Language Problem

现在,每一家大型媒体公司都在鼓吹通过程序化广告来销售他们的库存. 他们应该说的是,“我们使用自动化来让品牌购买我们的库存.” But what they are saying is, “我们可以进行程序化直接交易或实时竞价(RTB)程序化交易.”

程序化直销是一个买家和一个卖家之间的交易. 当一个特定数量的库存被引用时,这是一个程序化的保证交易. RTB私人市场是为预先选定的买家群体提供的. 开放式交易所RTB就像股票市场,任何买家和卖家都可以在其中进行交易. Realistically, however, by the time this happens, 更有可能的情况是,剩余的库存对发行商来说价值不大.

任何公司已经开放库存的想法(就像一些公司所说的那样)都有点用词不当. 实际上,最昂贵的库存仍将在私下交易中进行. 这些公司可以使用程序化的直接拍卖或私人市场, but this is really more about paying the right price.

好的内容对广告主来说总是很有吸引力的. 这是流媒体越来越依赖的商业模式, 尤其是在非广告支持订阅显然不是运营流媒体服务最赚钱的方式的情况下.

我希望我们能发明一种新的方式来谈论这个问题. 正如一位高管最近提到的那样,“程序化”一词与库存的民主化毫无关系. Programmatic is a method of automation. 我们所能期待的最好结果就是自动拍卖能给出版商带来最好的价格. 一个巨大的成功应该受益于高库存价格.

最激进的做法是取消前置和新前置,通过自动化市场销售所有库存. 你提前出售部分库存的想法是基于稀缺心态. 如果程序化是广告销售方式的突破, 为什么我找不到使用不同编程方法进行交易的库存的美元价值统计数据?

Key Takeaways

第一个结论是,数字视频广告预算正在上升,而社交广告正在减少. Viewers seem to want premium content, 所以也许“社交正在抢走眼球”的故事最终会得到平息.

广告越来越有可能以自动化的方式购买. 这种被称为程序化的自动化方式有能力设定价格,并且肯定会有一些库存可以用较小的预算购买, but likely advertising on premium will still be expensive.

关键是收集更多关于观众的数据,这只会让广告CPM更有价值. Targeting is the thing at which digital still excels. 如果我们坚持关于目标的讨论,放弃关于程序化的讨论,那就太好了. 我们只能希望流媒体广告体验将继续改善, but for now, at least, 自动化市场将使价格更接近其应有水平.

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